Friday, July 22, 2011

Friday Night Under the stars!!

I am sitting on the porch of my favorite coffee cafe thinking about this past week.  I never realized how amazing it was until today!!

When Monday hit my heart was racing and I was scared....New Job!! This was a new adventure.  I have never worked for a company that their employees mean alot to them.  LOVE IT!  I have been in a job for the last 9 yrs that took advantage of me...Yes I allowed it happen.  I worked my ass off and alot took backseat including my kids, my health and my integrity.  This job where I feel at home SOOOOOO much!!

Seating here I think of my friends and how much I love and care about them.  My friends here at home and all my blog and twitter friends....AMAZING feeling.  You never know what kind of support you will get until you met and support those who are going through the same thing as you.....then that brings me to thinking of my friend, twittasista! Christa.....Yes who I talked about in the yesterday.

Reading more about her when I first met her....AMAZING!!  I thought my life was interesting being the only daughter of parents who only dated for 2 months before getting married....then  12 months from when they met...TADA  JENN ARRIVED....ok enough of me.   It's Christa's time

If I would have met her at my school she honestly would have been one of my friends.  She is catches your attention from minute one. She is the only person I know who can break a bone going to a seat to watch a movie....and apparently sat through the movie with her in pain!!  Well she has the BIGGEST DREAM just like most of us BL Twitter buds.  She wants to be on Biggest Loser Season 13.... you know LUCKY 13!!  I want her to make it.  To get her to that dream she is going to the casting call in Salt Lake City, UT  she lives in Oregon! She is flying and staying for 4 days in hotel.  I want her so much to go there!!  I know this is important for her.  I was planning on going to the same casting call but with my new job I can't get the time off.  SOOOO it's my mission to spread the word to help her.  She needs to do a fundraiser to get her to UT and be comfortable.  Read her blog, find her on facebook....Read HER STORY!!  She NEEDS to be on Biggest Loser!! Her Life, Her eyesight, Her family, Her kids and husband NEED her to be on BL13.
Let's all get her there!!  Please   HELP  go to this link

Ok computer is dying and need to finish....Take the moment to follow your dreams, but sometimes your dreams will be put aside in order for someone else's to happen.  I am giving up on my dream of BL13 right now.  I am not in a position to do it all.    I am in the spot to cheerlead my other BLFam and Friends on and be in their CORNER ALL THE TIME!!  Through them I will learn and be a better person!  Through them I am a better person!!  Through them I inspire others  so please Inspire Yourself!!

Love yourself and Love your fellow neighbors....Love a stranger whose heart is so full of love, inspiration, artistic talent and amazing life....Just LOVE!!

"One Step, One path, One Road, One Trail, One Valley, One Mountain to Climb to Get to the PEAK of You!"

Thursday, July 21, 2011

AWWWWW I am RUNNING DOWN HILL OUT OF CONTROL!!!! least I feel that way

SO I KNOW it has been a longtime since I did a blog entry....BOY HAVE THINGS HAPPENED!!!  Hold onto your ropes we are on for a bumpy climb or decent...depends.

So at last blog...Everyone seemed to be prepared for our climb, a few would say  "I have to wait for a dr's ok", some would say "This is too hard for me", some would say "LETS DO THIS!!" and the last few " DO I have to do this journey?"  No! No one is forcing anyone else to do anything.  You have a mind of your own and that is all that matters.  You are the only one who can make you do things.  If you are at the lowest of lows...Then reach out to others Talk to them, talk to those who actually know what you are going through.   If you feel lost then please seek help.  Talk to a pastor someone who can honestly help you.    ENOUGH GETTING OFF THE BOULDER NOW!! Sorry the soap box was too hard to carry on this journey. use what you got.

Ok so on to what has happened in the last 2 WEEKS!!  Most important thing of all   I am gainfully employed!! WOOHOO Doing the HAPPY DANCE and Jase's Air up that sweat!!  Still trying to work on getting back unemployment pay which I was told probably would be soon getting.   That is great news considering.   Ok Ok OK OK!!!  I hear you in the back you want to know what the job is.   I work for an awesome company in  Customer Service.  This has been the best job so far and i have only been working for 4 days.  If you want to see where here is the link...  NOW GO AND BUY!!!  Think this is so amazing considering my blog and what I my goal is to do in 2 years.  Bosses are AWESOME!!!  Everyone is so friendly and great to work so helpful to show me things when I do ask.    LIKE I SAID GO BUY!!  IF you love the out doors and need new gear  only place to go!!!

NOW for something that actually floored me.  MY FATHER is happy for me!  He is pleased that I am working on my weight and working out and of course  WORKING!!  He even said I can stay even stay at the house for my brother's wedding. HE OFFERED!!!  Still upset with him but hey I will take anything even if it is small.  On a sad note though he was told to lose the more weight, he is a Type II Diabetic and is now on insulin.  I NEVER want to be that way.   I am doing something NOW!!  I want to inspire my family to do more.  So mom just called me and my step dad who is also Type II diabetic is also on insulin....he would be better off if he would just loose the weight too but he is a stubborn smoker foodie....Bad combo.  But his is doing great too.  My goal is to figure out things for my to do in the office and see how it goes and then share them with my favorite me in my life. 

My loving & adorable MiniMe, Emily, hit me with a bombshell about a week ago....NO I didn't say I've been hit by a bombshell seriously. No you don't have to Run for a Bomb Shelter!! geez people did you clean you wax out of the ears!!  So Miss Emily wants to stay at my mom's for the school year because of her bullies!!  NO GO!  Sorry putting my foot down.  I am saying NO!!  My mom says they are just as bad there then any where else.  SO I am going to be talking to the school counselor when I can.  I can't be away from my MiniMe....oh yeah she has lost about 15lb!! and back in Girls Sizes 14/16 YEAH!!!  so we are going to work on things together!!!. 

What now??  NO you need to take the shovel with you if you are going to use the Tree Facilities!!  Have the courtesy please!!!  Have the germ stuff for after PLEASE!!   No we aren't to lunch yet we have just started remember this is a night hike and have a couple hours....OK Back to the regular Broadcasting....OOPS!! mean writing time....( I know I have TOTALLY LOST IT)   So!!

Tyler is working like crazy!  I am loving it.  I know where he is from  745AM to 5PM Mon-Friday hehehehehe   He is a crazy freshman Yeppers!!  School starts August 25th CAN'T WAIT....yes even my kids are excited.  Tyler's best friend Casey will be attending public school again so he is thrilled.  They will be so in trouble with each other....can't wait for that either.  At least Casey's  stepmom and I are good friends. 

Let's see what else has been going on!!  Sorry still don't know my weight....Everytime I go to get weighed at the Dr's office I am told different things....NO I can't do it on my own....Oh wait for the Nurse....sorry it won't be big enough for you.  WELL...I told front office I don't need to wait for the nurse...I can't just go and do it on my own.  IF and ONLY IF I want the Dr's to record my weight then I need to wait....Not going to Happen with me when My time is short!!   So I will get it soon.  

Honestly just between you and me.....I feel so much better.  I feel like a human being and an active member of society again.  I feel better about who I am and what I am....I AM ME and I AM Working on ME!! then everyone else.....heheheheh  who wants to be the Guinea pigs?! 

On this very last note.....I have a GREAT TERRIFIC Friend, Artist,Mom, Fellow Blogger and My Inspiration who is SO Amazing and needs the help to have a dream happen.  Christa is AMAZING and ONEHOTDIEHL!!  Please follow her and her blog and there is a Fundraiser Link on there for her.  She is trying to get to Salt Lake City, UT for the Biggest Loser Casting Call for Season 13!!  She is from Oregon!  Help her out.  She needs this sooo much more then anyone else I know.  Even me....PLEASE pass it on to all your friends and if you are a blogger add it!!  PLEASE  WE LOVE HER SO MUCH!!! 

The natives are getting restless they want to continue one....ON WARD UP!!!!  Love you all and Please please help my Friend her lots!!

"One Step, One path, One Road, One Trail, One Valley, One Mountain to Climb to Get to the PEAK of You!"

Saturday, July 9, 2011

DAY ?????? Are you prepared? Do you have the Checklist and "backpack" packed for this journey

It's a Wonderful Day in the Neighborhood.  A wonderful day to be a neighbor.....HAHAHA  It is bright and sunny with just a little chill in the air...It rained last night....Yeah my rain dance is helping....LOL 

Glad everyone could be here today!!!  Everyone ready and relaxed and ready to start our "journey"

I woke up this morning with an extra something in my step...I have no idea what it was...Even the cat sitting on my chest nose to nose with me this morning didn't irritate me.  I am in one of the best moods. 
What did I do?  Lost I guess I forgot to grab my compass and map when I started out on this journey.  Hopefully along the way I will have the guidance and help of others who are on the same way as I am. 
I am so excited to be living this life of mine.  I started the journey UP the mountain sometime ago but then I would only get a few feet up and tell myself I can't do this... this trek is too hard for me...and turn around.  Day after day I would sit at the base at the trail head of my life and sit looking at the climb and journey ahead of me and keep saying to myself "It's too hard I am not doing this"  I would yell back at myself  "It isn't hard and YOU WILL BE DOING THIS"

Do you honestly think I listened to myself??  Well not for a longtime. Last 12 yrs I kept telling myself I will do this and I will do that.  Listening to what the Dr and NP told me...I guess I was just wanting to sit at the Trailhead of My Life unprepared and unwilling to do anything. I can't hide behind words from what people tell me.   I can't let what they are telling me to help me influence MY bad choices in MY life.  Listening to others will help you IF what they are telling you is encouraging and supportive. If they think that cutting you down, telling you that If you would only do this or that, or just flat out tell you YOU ARE TOO FAT!! (in this case) and they think this will encourage you to do something....HOW many people have heard or been through this....Raise the hands now...YOU IN THE WAY BACK I KNOW YOU HAVE...get those hands up!!!   Ok We now know WHAT NOT to listen too.   You can put your hands down now....Oh no wait!!  RAISE YOUR HANDS 1,2,3,4,5 LOWER 1,2,3,4,5, RAISE YOUR ARMS 1,2,3,4,5 LOWER 1,2,3,4,5  Ok do that for another 8 times and then you can stop. 

So Time to get out our "checklist" in life and get our "gear and backpack" packed for this journey 

1. get your "map" and "compass"---Know where you are going and which directions you need to go.  The "trails" may be easy at the beginning but remember the farther the climb we go it will get steeper and harder. The "compass" is there to help us guide us back on the right trail Very important

2.Gather your "rope(lifeline)"--- Remember we will be climbin straight up!! Don't forget your "lifeline" make sure it is sturdy and you have alot of it around....You will sometimes to to rely on that lifeline to get you through some rough,steep and hard spots...Could be dangerous if you don't watch that step first.

3."supplies"---Before we take a trip we know what to pack what we will be needing while we are where we are going.   So what do you think we need on this "journey or climb" make another list
make it good...remember no skimping...if you think you need it then take it.

4. Tell Someone---Even if you are planning on doing this "journey" You need to tell someone where you are going, how you are going....Don't forget to ask them  for support along the way...happy thoughts, prayers...if anything Ask if they want to go with you or at least be a support system when you need it.  One rule for this...ONLY HAPPY POSITIVE THOUGHT & WORDS  No negativity can't do that....That is the HUGE "boulders","rock slides","flooding or washouts" that block our "trail" and will make it harder on this journey.  Lets keep it positive

These are a few things I have  thought of and you can certainly add more to this and I encourage you to add more to the items in the "Supply" list. Make sure if you can share what you have to help out others you may met along the way.  We are in a "Trek" "Journey" of a life time.  You ready.


"One Step, One path, One Road, One Trail, One Valley, One Mountain to Climb to Get to the PEAK of You!"