Wednesday, August 17, 2011 of Rest so Why are there so many Busy Bodies!!

I am always rushing around.  I can't seem to get myself to slow down.  Yes I am at my fave Coffee place but I am reading emails responding to things. Looking up information for my son and school....YIKES that is a hard thing to swallow.  Tyler is a Freshman in High school now and already knows what he wants to do after HS....Yeah at about $35000 a year!!  Ok going back to rushing around.

I am doing this blog post about 15minutes before I need to be at church.  I started a new church last sunday.  I was rasied Roman Catholic, but after my son had a run in with the Faith Formation Teacher in the 6th grade we haven't been back.  That wasn't the only reason.  Every Sunday when i would go to mass as my family walked in the Hospitality Ministers would look at me as if I had 2 heads no joke and usually it was the same people.  They are older and new to the parish but they didn't like the idea I had kids out of wedlock...OH NO I AM DAMNED!!.... so I committed a sin having my children..   I am sorry my kids were baptized and raised up until 6th and 3rd grade in the church.  I was being talked aobut behind my back. I was horrible to have kids without a father.  Honestly I am happier that the kids don't have their father!! for another day.

So I have been searching and struggling to find out who I am and where I really belong in teh Faith World.  Last Sunday a friend of mine "JENN-NAPPED" me to take me to church on the idea we were going to coffee and then she would bring me back....NOT COOL.   I was in a hat tanktop and felt blahhhh....The church didn't care they were happy to see me there.  WOOOHOOOO.   I didn't know I knew so many people from my town went to that church.  That church I am refering too was the ONLY church that helped me in teh time of great need this summer.  Kept me going, but they didnt expect me to start to go there.  I have decided to go there because I felt a peace and calm come over me last Sunday.   I have a realtionship with GOD, that he totally understands me, understands who and where I am coming from.....BUT the relationship you have THROUGH HIM with others is what really truly keeps you going in life. 

I am excited to have a relationship with GOD again.....I promise not to shovel things for you to read I am not that type of a person!!

"One Step, One path, One Road, One Trail, One Valley, One Mountain to Climb to Get to the PEAK of You!"

Today We are doing WHAT?????

The toughest thing I have had to today so far is WAKE UP!!  I have a bad headache, my eyes hurt, I want to crawl under a cool blanket  and sleep a bit longer.....YEAH RIGHT NOT GONNA HAPPEN!!  My body overruled my headache....stupid wants to rest but no it won't rest....SUNDAY is the day of REST!!  As one of my BFF's told me NO REST FOR THE WICKED!!....hahahahaha

MY HEAD hurts so bad, I know why....CAFFIENE Headache....I have cut it WAY DOWN not out but down.  This is hard coming from someone who at one point was drinking a case of Pepsi every 2 days at my lowest everyday.  Not good or healthy.   I am lucky if I drink a 12oz can every 3 days.  I am really trying to be good.  I know going "frozen gobble" (my kids version if Cold Turkey that said it funnier) is not good do gradule, but when you don't have the money for a few months and "frozen gobble" is only way yeah!!  No I am slowly being a Good girl!! Watching the sweets too....I have had a little minature candybar for the first time in 4 months and that was enough for me....My "sugar" is in fruit now!!!

Today We are doing WHAT????  I am still thinking....Lately I have had a few friends who are struggling not only with weight but with family, faith and their hope to change.  Yes today is SUnday but I am not preaching by any means.   I am not quailfied to do t one bit.  I am just passing on what others have told me and what I am moved to share. Changing something in your life no matter if it is for the best YOU, is hard and VERY scary.

I grew up being raised "Roman Catholic" but something always didn't feel right in my faith.  I remember always questioning the faith I was raised in.  I was even thinking of a vocation my jr/sr yr in school....Woke up very quickly on that.  I have my belief system thanks to my upbringing but it isn't the same belief system as all Catholics....I am a rebel!!!

Beauty Outside and Within...It's everywhere

BEAUTY!!  How do each of us look at beauty?  We see the beauty within something so different then others.  Last Summer when I visited my mom in one of the places I used to live growing up.  Some people will see it as a hot desert and nothing is beautiful there. We went to the Colorado National Monument....ONE OF MY FAV PLACES in the world....London runs  a real close second.  I grew up looking at this wonderful place.  Visited it almost every 2 months with either school or girl Scouts.  It's Beautiful!  You look at it and it is not colorful, it's not really fun or exciting but it is BEAUTIFUL!!

So you see this on the Western slope of Colorado....but what you don't see is what is beyond it to the southwest....Lush green forest, More of what people Call beautiful.  My favorite place to need to connect with once again.

Look to your within and the outside will SHINE!!  

You are just as beautiful inside and attitudes will only enhance what is outside....Just like the Beauty surrounding us!!

"One Step, One path, One Road, One Trail, One Valley, One Mountain to Climb to Get to the PEAK of You!"

Saturday, August 13, 2011

WOW! New Pics off Me....Am I really this different??

I have been so busy the last few weeks with work!!  WORK!! WORK!! LOVE that word!!  I LOVE LOVE LOVE my job, I do get frustrated with myself at times!!! That is just life!!

I know I won't have THE BIGGEST LOSER or even CHRIS POWELL & EMWLE to help me with my life.  I know I need to start on my own.  I have  been doing it on my own I can tell you that.  I have really been watching my foods, More water then Pepsi or My fave Triple Mocha's.   I am not even craving the sweets like I have wanted so  much just a few months ago.

Not having a job for almost 4 months makes you rethink EVERYTHING!!  I walked more...I ate less because I didn't have that luxury to eat what i wanted.  I had to save the money just to feed my son properly. I learned a new way to do things most importantly  to LIVE

I was just looking through  some "old" pics of me....Taken in March of this year!!  and just snapped a pic of me same distance via my laptop....Ok does things look different...other then hair!!

 March 2011 (Casting Call)
August 2011 (TODAY as I am writing this)

Honestly I really can't see it but just had my son walk by (I'm sitting at Bongo Billy's Cafe where he works) MOM LOOK AT YOU!!  YOU ARE THINNER!  I seriously think that is just him saying things.....What do you think?
Ok so like I said I can't have the Biggest Loser or EMWLE in my life right now.   I am trying my hardest to change my life.  I change my life I will change my families life.  I look at the pic my mom sent me of my sweet sweet little girl Emmie, She isn't my baby anymore but she is my Mini Me as everyone has heard me talk about her.   She is the love of my life and I have missed her sooooo much this summer.  She has been with my mom and I honestly think that is the best thing for her because i needed to get a new prospective of life this summer.  This summer has given me the chance to really get to know my son!!  I am amazed at my fav young man.  He is such an old soul!!  He is so smart for his own good at times I think....or is that MY own good.....LMAO

I am getting ready to run out of here for lunch I can't wait to have a yummy taco dressing just homemade salsa.....Will take pics!!! 

I have so much more to write so I will be back today!!  and with fun Pics from GOLD RUSH

"One Step, One path, One Road, One Trail, One Valley, One Mountain to Climb to Get to the PEAK of You!"