Friday, July 22, 2011

Friday Night Under the stars!!

I am sitting on the porch of my favorite coffee cafe thinking about this past week.  I never realized how amazing it was until today!!

When Monday hit my heart was racing and I was scared....New Job!! This was a new adventure.  I have never worked for a company that their employees mean alot to them.  LOVE IT!  I have been in a job for the last 9 yrs that took advantage of me...Yes I allowed it happen.  I worked my ass off and alot took backseat including my kids, my health and my integrity.  This job where I feel at home SOOOOOO much!!

Seating here I think of my friends and how much I love and care about them.  My friends here at home and all my blog and twitter friends....AMAZING feeling.  You never know what kind of support you will get until you met and support those who are going through the same thing as you.....then that brings me to thinking of my friend, twittasista! Christa.....Yes who I talked about in the yesterday.

Reading more about her when I first met her....AMAZING!!  I thought my life was interesting being the only daughter of parents who only dated for 2 months before getting married....then  12 months from when they met...TADA  JENN ARRIVED....ok enough of me.   It's Christa's time

If I would have met her at my school she honestly would have been one of my friends.  She is catches your attention from minute one. She is the only person I know who can break a bone going to a seat to watch a movie....and apparently sat through the movie with her in pain!!  Well she has the BIGGEST DREAM just like most of us BL Twitter buds.  She wants to be on Biggest Loser Season 13.... you know LUCKY 13!!  I want her to make it.  To get her to that dream she is going to the casting call in Salt Lake City, UT  she lives in Oregon! She is flying and staying for 4 days in hotel.  I want her so much to go there!!  I know this is important for her.  I was planning on going to the same casting call but with my new job I can't get the time off.  SOOOO it's my mission to spread the word to help her.  She needs to do a fundraiser to get her to UT and be comfortable.  Read her blog, find her on facebook....Read HER STORY!!  She NEEDS to be on Biggest Loser!! Her Life, Her eyesight, Her family, Her kids and husband NEED her to be on BL13.
Let's all get her there!!  Please   HELP  go to this link

Ok computer is dying and need to finish....Take the moment to follow your dreams, but sometimes your dreams will be put aside in order for someone else's to happen.  I am giving up on my dream of BL13 right now.  I am not in a position to do it all.    I am in the spot to cheerlead my other BLFam and Friends on and be in their CORNER ALL THE TIME!!  Through them I will learn and be a better person!  Through them I am a better person!!  Through them I inspire others  so please Inspire Yourself!!

Love yourself and Love your fellow neighbors....Love a stranger whose heart is so full of love, inspiration, artistic talent and amazing life....Just LOVE!!

"One Step, One path, One Road, One Trail, One Valley, One Mountain to Climb to Get to the PEAK of You!"

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