Thursday, April 5, 2012

Bully is still a Bully No matter what the Age

It has come to my attention of a Bully in the community here....Amazing but this isn't any normal Bully. This isn't a child Bully that is after other children, this is an ADULT Bully. This type of Bully is not targeting any one person. This Bully is "attacking" other Adults and in an organization that helps inspire people with their craft and involves the commuinty people of all ages and skills.

I know who this person is and has said a few things I wish I could have said somethings to this person when they told my on child in no un certain terms they are as tone deaf as a bullfrog. Well this time this person is bullying people and thinks they are more superior then others. Granted this person is very talented don't get me wrong but when siding with someone younger and condoning the actions of the younger person over Adults who have been doing something as many years as teh younger person has been alive.

Ok I am over this rant I am sorry I will talk more about Bullying at a later date.

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